Sunday, 15 February 2009

True crime: New York City

True crime new york city is one of my favourite games above is a little preview of the game you: might like it i do that's why it's one of my favourites nearly every objective (marked in green)you have to kill someone and then speak to like the boss or someone and then kill him or put him in jail that's nearly all you have to do fight crime in the street you can just walk up to someone grab him and look to see if he has any drugs on him or stolen objects once i arrested someone for having a mobile phone on him(oops) i didn't do it on purpose and in a restaurant i walked in to the kitchens looking for someone and the cooks just started to attack me there was two of them one had a knife and the other a baseball bat.I only had my bare hands so i took the one with the bat broke his neck took the other one looked around ,i saw a pizza oven so then i stuck his head inside it no doubt about it his head was on fire he was definitely dead and then i found out that the place the man that i was looking for was in the place next door !

1 comment:

  1. CoOl!! BuT I OnLy WaChEd ThE BeGgInInG!!lol!!!LOL!!! from lulu.
